SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘No More Heroes’, ‘Part-Time UFO’, and Today’s Other New Releases, Plus the Latest Sales

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for October 29th, 2020. Nintendo did a nice little stealth Direct yesterday, giving us some news and shadow-dropped games to enjoy. I’ll briefly go over that before heading into the tons of new releases we need to summarize today. There are also the usual lists of incoming and outgoing sales to look at. Plus, we’ll be doing a giveaway of two North American digital copies of Torchlight III for Switch through the TouchArcade Twitter account, so make sure to check that out. Let’s go!
‘Bravely Default II’ and More Feature in the Latest Nintendo Direct Mini
Nintendo dropped what it says is its final Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase for the year, and it had a lot of interesting things in it. We got a better look at Bravely Default II, which is now coming in February of next year. Two streaming games, Hitman 3 and Control Ultimate Edition, were announced, with the latter now available on the eShop. A new Story of Seasons was shown off, and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity has a demo available now. There’s plenty to see in there, so do give that video a watch if you haven’t done so yet. New Releases
No More Heroes ($19.99)
SwitchArcade Highlight!
Suda Goichi’s tale of a weirdo taking on the world’s top ten assassins makes its way to the Switch in grand style. This game was originally released on the Wii and if you want to maintain the motion contro...
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Undead Horde - Official Trailer | PS4 |