SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘OlliOlli: Switch Stance’, ‘Namco Museum’ Throwback Review, Humble Store Selling Nintendo Games, Today’s New Sales, and More - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘OlliOlli: Switch Stance’, ‘Namco Museum’ Throwback Review, Humble Store Selling Nintendo Games, Today’s New Sales, and More

Hello, gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for January 8th, 2019. In today’s article, we’ve got news of a couple of games making their way to the Switch in a bundle, a new option for buying Nintendo digital games, a handful of new sales, and a couple of other goodies, including a review of a great compilation that’s on sale right now. Let’s kickflip into today’s news!
‘OlliOlli: Switch Stance’ Comes to the Switch on February 14th

If you were an owner of either of Nintendo’s last-generation systems, you might remember the 2D-ish skateboarding game OlliOlli. Though the series was born on PlayStation hardware, the first game came to a variety of platforms. The second game, however, never graced any of Nintendo’s platforms. If you missed out, you’ll have a great new chance to play both games on February 14th. They’re coming to Switch as one compilation called OlliOlli: Switch Stance, nicely priced at $14.99. As that old Play It Loud commercial once said, “bacon in the pan". I have no idea what that means, but the guy who said it was quite extreme, I’ve been assured. Nintendo Digital Codes Can Now Be Purchased in the US Through Humble Store

Hey, you! Do you live in the United States or have a VPN that can trick websites into thinking you do" Are you tired of buying digital versions of Nintendo games through the eShop or on Amazon" Well, there’s now anoth...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

Observation - Launch Trailer | PS4
