SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Star Wars Republic Commando’ Mini-View, ‘Poison Control’ Releases, Plus the Latest Sales - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Round-Up: ‘Star Wars Republic Commando’ Mini-View, ‘Poison Control’ Releases, Plus the Latest Sales

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for April 13th, 2021. A little of a quiet one today, but we’ve got a Mini-View of Star Wars Republic Commando, a summary of today’s sole new release Poison Control, and the usual lists of incoming and outgoing sales. There are a bunch of Resident Evil games on sale, if you’re interested in any of them and somehow haven’t picked them up yet. Well, let’s get to work!
Star Wars Republic Commando ($14.99)

Star Wars Republic Commando is a great game. One of the best Star Wars games, easily sitting up there with the likes of Knights of the Old Republic, Rogue Leader, and Tie Fighter. You’re leader of an elite squad of Clone Troopers and need to use the unique talents of your team to complete a series of missions for the Republic. The gameplay is excellent, with the AI of your compatriots being good enough to almost mistake for real players. Like most of the best Star Wars games and even many of the worst, a big part of the fun is showing you a side of the universe that the movies couldn’t afford to. Certainly one of the more memorable pieces of media connected to the Prequel Trilogy. It’s worth playing, and even if you’ve already played it, it’s worth revisiting. The question is whether or not you should do that via this Switch port. I’ll be frank: this is a rough port. That’s probably not a massive surprise to anyone who has played a...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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