SwitchArcade Round-Up: Mini-Views Featuring ‘SNK Vs Capcom’ and More, Plus ‘Persona 5 Strikers’ and Today’s Other New Releases and Sales - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Round-Up: Mini-Views Featuring ‘SNK Vs Capcom’ and More, Plus ‘Persona 5 Strikers’ and Today’s Other New Releases and Sales

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for February 23rd, 2021. In today’s article, we catch up some recent releases with a pack of Mini-Views before heading into the rather noteworthy list of new titles that hit the eShop today. We’ve got summaries of all of those games, of course. There are a few really good ones, so I hope you’ve got some extra money between last week’s releases and the ones coming later this week. Things finish up, as ever, with the incoming and outgoing sales for the day. Let’s get started!
Fallen Legion Revenants ($39.99)

What to say about this game" At times, it almost had me. Unfortunately, it would quickly lose me again through a bit of badly-worded dialogue, an awkward story twist, or another tiresome battle. I would say that if you liked the rather rough recipe of the previous games, you’ll find enough here to make it worth your time and money. But it is a lesser game in many respects than the previous two chapters, and comes off very much like a thing that exists to extend a brand rather than a natural progression. The story is again the strongest point, but the cinnamon to oatmeal ratio here isn’t a great one. The battle system is certainly dressed up, but rarely goes anywhere exciting. In a quieter period I might have recommended this to RPG fans willing to forgive its healthy share of flaws, but we’ve been up to our ears in great RPGs of late and I don...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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