SwitchArcade Round-Up: The Final Countdown to ‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’, ‘SNK 40th Anniversary Collection’ Impressions, the Latest News, and Current Sales

Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for December 4th, 2018. As the eagle-eyed among you have likely already noticed, I am not Phillip Stortzum. Our trusty Switch newshound Phil has moved on, leaving me to try to fill his fun-sized footprints. Before we go any further, I want to thank Phil for all his hard work on this column over the course of this year, and wish him all the best with his future endeavors. As for me, I’m Shaun. You may remember me from such features as the RPG Reload, or perhaps the Monday Updates articles. Well, don’t tell my iOS devices, but I do sometimes play games on other platforms, and the Switch is probably my favorite of the lot right now. It’ll probably take me a little while to get used to writing these things, so bear with me, okay" Today’s Featured Game
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection ($39.99)
In spite of being the first Nintendo platform without a Virtual Console service since 2004, the Nintendo Switch has become a genuine gold mine for retro re-releases. Some publishers, like Hamster and FTE Games, have opted to do single releases of licensed arcade titles directly to the eShop. We’ve also seen a number of collections released by the likes of Namco and Capcom. Heck, SEGA has one coming up in a couple of days with the launch of the Switch version of the SEGA Genesis Classics collection. Between all of these publishers, we’re getting a pretty great mix of legends and obscuriti...
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The Sims: Play With Life - Official Trailer | PS4 |