SwitchArcade Roundup: ‘Fortnite’ Likely Coming to Switch, ‘Pokemon’ Online Play, and Dozens of eShop Sales - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Roundup: ‘Fortnite’ Likely Coming to Switch, ‘Pokemon’ Online Play, and Dozens of eShop Sales

Welcome to the SwitchArcade Roundup for June 1st! And I’m so glad, because there are no new eShop releases today. After an incredibly busy week, I’m glad that hey, at least now we get a day off. There is the Mario Tennis Aces online tournament demo that goes live today, so we do have something new to play, but at least that’s a demo! I feel like the Switch is causing me to lose my mind in trying to keep track of it, because there are so many games happening on the system. Like, so many games are releasing, getting announced, going on sale…a slow day is just a harbinger that tomorrow will be a busy one. It’s a glorious time to be a Switch owner, that’s for sure.
South Korean ratings board lists Fortnite for Switch As if it didn’t seem obvious already, recent leaks seemed to indicate that Fortnite was coming to Switch soon. And with Kotaku posting about the leaks, that seems like a good sign that “hey, these should probably be taken seriously" as opposed to someone with good Photoshop skills. And now, the South Korean game age rating board has a rating for a Switch version of Fortnite. So that pretty much confirms the The question is whether it will contain Save the World or not"

What is Killer Queen Black"
As far as the E3 leaks seem to go, Fortnite will obviously be big for the Switch. But don’t sleep on whatever Killer Queen Black will be. Killer Queen is a great arcade game that takes plac...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

Fortnite - Season X Overview Trailer | PS4
