SwitchArcade Roundup: ‘N++’ Impressions, ‘Mario Tennis Aces’, and a GameCube Controller for Switch" - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Roundup: ‘N++’ Impressions, ‘Mario Tennis Aces’, and a GameCube Controller for Switch"

Welcome to the SwitchArcade Roundup for June 4th, where we’re talking about the latest happenings in Switch-land. But first, I want to talk about the recently-released N++. I think that N++ would be more accurately described as Content: The Game. That’s content with a long o, as in there is a lot of content here because there is a lot of content here. Thousands and thousands of levels. It’s unassuming, because you get a few menus with rows of levels, but then you realize the levels are actually packs of five levels each, and you can fit a large number of levels into some of those grids…and then by the time you’ve done the math you understand just how much there is to do in this game.

N++ is a rather simple game at its core, where you just run and jump, but with a unique floaty physics system. And the game in its later stages will force you to use the physics in clever ways in order to collect all the gold in the level. If you’ve played N+, even if you haven’t done so in a while, you’re going to know what to expect. If you haven’t played, well, the game throws a bunch of easy levels your way before it finally decides it wants to test you. And really, with multiple level types that you can take on, you can proceed at your own pace. Once you get a feel for the mechanics, you can pull off impressive moves, jumping off of walls, flying through the air, dodging missiles and spikes with slick maneuvers. The N series has ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

TERA: Console Head Start Teaser
