SwitchArcade Special: 10 More Great Games to Download Today - Videogames Blogs

SwitchArcade Special: 10 More Great Games to Download Today

Hello, gentle readers, and welcome to yet another special SwitchArcade. I’m once again speaking to you from the past, as I currently am most likely relaxing with my family and playing whatever new games I got for Christmas. But worry not! Though this may technically be filler, it’s a good kind of filler. Like the apples and cinnamon in apple pie, or the pizza guts in Pizza Pops. Yesterday, I gave you a list of some of the finest Nintendo Switch games on the eShop, as generally agreed upon by critics and players alike. Today, I’m giving you another list. You did remember to save some money or eShop credit, right" I even warned you yesterday that there would be another list!
This list is a little different from yesterday’s selection. It’s more of a personal selection, which means that if you’re rolling the dice on purchases, you’re probably safer going with something from the last list. That said, while these games don’t sit atop Metacritic and you are unlikely to see them on the best-seller lists, they’re all games I personally enjoy and would vouch for in a heartbeat. Let’s list… again! Cosmic Star Heroine ($14.99)

Cosmic Star Heroine has come out on a few platforms already and it hasn’t really gotten the traction it deserves on any of them, in my opinion. This is a JRPG-style game from Zeboyd Games, the developer behind Cthulhu Saves the World and the last couple of Penny Arcade Adventures games,...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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