'Tales of the Tiny Planet' Review- A Refreshingly Simple Physics Puzzle Game - Videogames Blogs

'Tales of the Tiny Planet' Review- A Refreshingly Simple Physics Puzzle Game

The App Store has come a tremendously long way since its humble beginnings in 2008. It was the first time that Apple had officially introduced the distribution of third-party applications on its platform. It was an exciting time and many developers were taking their first steps in exploring the possibilities of gaming on iOS devices. I can recall numerous games from this time that had extremely simple mechanics, yet their simplicity was their greatest strength. Since then, the App Store has continued to acquire an insane amount of games, especially in the physics puzzler genre. Physics puzzle games may have gradually become more complicated overtime, but Tales of the Tiny Planet [$1.99] hearkens back to the aforementioned era of physics puzzle games that were purely simple and fun.
Tales of the Tiny Planet provides you with the opportunity to help various planets find their way home through various puzzle levels that span over 5 different worlds that contain 60 levels in total. The art style of the game looks like it was ripped straight from a colorful children's storybook while heavily reminding me of the adorable aesthetics of Loco Roco. I appreciated that planets occasionally gave me small messages of encouragement when I had to restart a level. The game's music fit its cute theme well and I also enjoyed listening to the smile-inducing gibberish of planets as they communicated with you. All in all, this game's presentation was fantastic.
As mentioned before, Tale...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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