Tenacious Entertainment Announces Debut Title ‘Battleverse Champions’, a 1v1 Arena Brawler for Mobile - Videogames Blogs

Tenacious Entertainment Announces Debut Title ‘Battleverse Champions’, a 1v1 Arena Brawler for Mobile

Back in 2018 some staff from Guild Wars developer ArenaNet struck out on their own and created a new studio called Tenacious Entertainment with a desire to “shake up how things are done on mobile." Last fall they secured a round of funding, as covered by Venture Beat at the time, and Tenacious CEO Roy Cronacher stated that gamers deserved “outstanding innovation and memorable experiences no matter what platform they?re on" and vowed to take concepts that have proven successful on consoles and PC and turn them into “satisfying bursts of enjoyment on phones and tablets." Their debut project was unannounced at that time, but they did state that it would be a competitive arena combat game with an emphasis on character progression and no pay-to-win mechanics. Well today Tenacious is finally ready to officially reveal that game and it’s called Battleverse Champions, and you can see it in action in the following trailer.
First off, let me say that I love that Battleverse Champions is a 1v1 game, as I’m not really a big fan of how most competitive multiplayer games on mobile are team-based. This is just you and another player duking it out. Another thing I really like about the above trailer is the art style of Battleverse Champions. It’s colorful and the characters shown seem to have a lot of personality. The game is aiming to replicate MOBA-style combat, and similar to MOBAs it will feature a constantly evolving cast of ch...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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