The ‘Fantastic Four’ Characters, No Longer in Exile, Join Multiple Marvel Mobile Games - Videogames Blogs

The ‘Fantastic Four’ Characters, No Longer in Exile, Join Multiple Marvel Mobile Games

Let’s face it: for fans of the Fantastic Four, Marvel’s First Family, the last few years have been an utter crap-show. Although no one has come out and confirmed anything, it’s widely speculated that a dispute with Fox led to Marvel essentially undermining and eventually mothballing many of the characters that the former held the movie licenses for. Truth" Fan-fiction" I have no idea, but whatever the reason, we saw less and less of the Fantastic Four characters as time went on. The last games to feature any of the First Family were LEGO Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel Heroes, both of which released in 2013.
Whatever problems were going on behind the scenes, they have apparently been resolved. The Fantastic Four‘s comic book returned last year, and now, after more than half a decade, the characters that Marvel’s house was built on are back in video games. Back in a big way, in fact, with Marvel making a showy presentation of all their new appearances. Let’s take a look at each of the mobile games that offer new Fantastic Four content.
MARVEL Contest of Champions, Free

IT’S CLOBBERIN’ TIME! How can there be so darned many Marvel fighting games and the only one to feature Aunt Petunia’s favorite nephew is that revoltin’ Rise of the Imperfects" Well, here’s a little salve for that wound. Benjamin Grimm, the ever-lovin’ blue-eyed Thing, is now part of the Contest of Champi...
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