The Best Nintendo Switch Ports of 2020 – SwitchArcade Special - Videogames Blogs

The Best Nintendo Switch Ports of 2020 – SwitchArcade Special

The Nintendo Switch lets you play a game at home on TV and then just pick up your system and carry your game with you seamlessly. It is a huge selling point for the platform in general and has let many developers and publishers find a lot of success bringing older and newer games to the system over time. In many cases, games that would’ve never been on a portable have been faithfully brought over like with The Witcher 3 in 2019. 2020 has seen loads of great conversions to the Switch but here are the top 10 Switch ports of 2020 in no particular order.
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition (Capcom)

Capcom’s Devil May Cry and Resident Evil releases on Nintendo Switch are almost all more expensive than other platforms and not as good technically despite the games themselves being from older consoles. Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition is the exception here because not only is it a great version of Devil May Cry 3 on a technical level, but the Switch port has some exclusive features. Style and weapon switching lets you change Dante’s playstyle on the fly as opposed to between levels which is a massively great feature. I can’t believe Capcom didn’t implement this into other platforms. The Switch version of Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition also has a local co-op mode. My only real complaint with Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition on Switch is that you can’t buy it physically. Even without the exclusive content, Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition would’ve...
Source: Touch Arcade

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