'The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands' Pushed Back to Next Month, New 30-Minute Gameplay Video Released - Videogames Blogs

'The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands' Pushed Back to Next Month, New 30-Minute Gameplay Video Released

Late last month we spied a very cool looking trailer for an upcoming game called The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands from Xigma Games. Taking the incremental aspects of A Dark Room [$1.99] and mixing them together with the resource-collecting, town-building, and combat elements of Kingdom: New Lands [$9.99], The Bonfire looked like a really slick mashup of those formulas, and I was all excited to get my hands on it when it launched this month. Well, good news/bad news situation as The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands is taking longer than expected to finish up and is now slated for release in March, but to make up for the delay Xigma has released a lengthy new video showcasing the first 30 minutes of the game. WARNING: A video this length obviously contains some spoiler-ish stuff, so if you'd rather go into The Bonfire fresh, maybe skip watching this.
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As the video shows quite clearly, things start off extremely simple in The Bonfire as you gather wood to make a fire, but everything just builds off from there until you're managing multiple people, collecting multiple resources, and fighting off baddies trying to invade your space. I really love the look of this one, especially the dynamic weather system and day/night cycles, and as you can see the first twenty minutes all takes place in the small starting area but once you've gathered up enough resources to build a bridge you expand into a new area and I have a feeling that this is going to...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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