The Carter Crater: The Nintendo Switch is One More Step Toward the Great Gaming Convergence - Videogames Blogs

The Carter Crater: The Nintendo Switch is One More Step Toward the Great Gaming Convergence

The great gaming convergence just took one big step closer to reality with the Nintendo Switch. For a long time, I've been predicting that gaming will advance to a point where the divides between mobile, console, and PC that we have now will just kind of fall away. Eventually, playing a game will just be a thing in the same way that any other form of media is increasingly not locked down. Games have for too long persisted on the difference between platforms, between desktop, console, portable, and mobile. And Nintendo has made a shockingly future-forward move to create a system that is both portable and console. The convergence is coming, and Nintendo is set to hasten it.

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The thing that people don't fully realize is that we're living in an increasingly post-TV world, where watching TV doesn't means actually watching on a TV. Movies and TV shows are available on our phones, tablets, and TVs. We're beyond the days in music of where you were locked into one device, one copy of your music ? now the entirety of recorded music is available to you within seconds wherever you want it. And it's why traditional cable TV is in a risky place, what's happening is that streaming methods are picking up major steam. And it's not hard to imagine that the flexibility that something like Netflix has, where you can watch an episode while working out at the gym, and then continue seamlessly when you get home, impacts why people like the servic...
Source: Touch Arcade

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