The Highly Anticipated ‘Hero Emblems 2’ Gets a New Trailer, but No Release Date in Sight - Videogames Blogs

The Highly Anticipated ‘Hero Emblems 2’ Gets a New Trailer, but No Release Date in Sight

I’m sitting here trying to figure out just how five whole years have passed since the original Hero Emblems ($2.99) took the App Store by storm back in January of 2015, but somehow here we are. Boy time sure does fly. Perhaps even more perplexing is how it’s been going on FOUR years since the sequel was first announced, and sadly there is no sign of it coming anytime soon. To their credit, developer HeatPot Games has popped in from time to time to give us an update on Hero Emblems 2 and at the very least let us know it’s still in active development. In November of 2017 they released a new gameplay trailer, in February of 2018 they released a new video showing the shop interface, and in January of 2019 they released a new video showing a boss battle in action and some cutscene footage. Things have been awfully quiet for the past year though, until today when HeatPot games resurfaced once again to show us another new video of Hero Emblems 2 in action. Enjoy!
Unfortunately, HeatPot states in our forums that Hero Emblems 2 is “still not ready to release" and they then thank us for our patience and ask us to “Please stay tuned!" for more. While it’s incredibly disappointing there’s no word on a release date just yet, I’m just relieved that Hero Emblems 2 is still alive and in the works, and given my fondess of the original game I’m willing to wait as long as it takes to get a strong sequel. If you aren...
Source: Touch Arcade

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