The History of Mobile Gaming Is Dying, and Only You Can Save It - Videogames Blogs

The History of Mobile Gaming Is Dying, and Only You Can Save It

I can vividly remember the first time I ever played a game on iOS. I was going to see my oldest brother at Durham University, in the coldest and wettest corner of England. It was the Winter of 2008 - I was only twelve years old - and my dad had recently bought the new iPhone 3G. In the evening, and after endless persuasion, I finally convinced him to download a couple of applications - namely Cube Runner [Free] and Tap Tap Revenge - from the recently released store, and managed to snare the device off him for a few minutes. I know it is horrendously cliché, but I instantly fell in love with the iPhone. While the Wii had given me a brief impression of gyroscopic controls, this was my first exposure to a truly capacitive touchscreen, and being able to access these games from nothing other than the hotel WiFi was incomprehensible to my young and highly impressionable gaming mind. However, while Cube Runner is inexplicably still available to play on the App Store today, the original Tap Tap Revenge is not. Like it or not, without some questionable tinkering to my device, I can never relive those first moments of playing that game.
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After this brief encounter with mobile games, I managed to persuade my parents to let me borrow their redundant original iPod Touch, and followed the many releases as an avid reader on TouchArcade. However, I was still so young that I didn?t even have a bank card at the time, so had to rely on the g...
Source: Touch Arcade

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