This Week's 'Hearthstone' Tavern Brawl is Shifty 'ShiftCon' - Videogames Blogs

This Week's 'Hearthstone' Tavern Brawl is Shifty 'ShiftCon'

This week's Hearthstone [Free] Tavern Brawl is all about one cheap - but very powerful - Legendary, Shifter Zerus. Shifter Zerus is a 1-mana 1/1 Legendary, but the tricky thing about it is that each turn it's in your hands, it transforms into a random minion. So, as you can expect, your hand is going to be a locale of miracles as your Shifters transform into great Legendaries or worthless minions. In addition to those Shifters, you get random spells from the class you pick. And you start with 3 Mana crystals instead of one, so you'll be pumping some decent minions and spells early on in the game.
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It doesn't take a big imagination to know that this Brawl is usually won by the player who gets a few lucky shifts, but it's still an entertaining one, especially for those players who don't own Shifter Zerus or any of the cool cards it transforms into. The Brawl is live in the Americas, so go shift away.

Source: Touch Arcade

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