Time Manipulation Puzzler 'Causality' Hits the App Store - Videogames Blogs

Time Manipulation Puzzler 'Causality' Hits the App Store

Last week a very interesting-looking puzzle game coming to Steam caught our eye, and through a little bit of digging we were very happy to learn it was destined for mobile as well. Best of all is that the wait was incredibly short as just this morning that game, Causality [$1.99] from developer Loju, landed on the App Store. Causality is about guiding a group of stranded astronauts to safety using directional cues, portals, and time manipulation. Messing around with time is tricky though, and you'll actually need to utilize your past selves in order to solve all the puzzles in Causality. Check out the trailer.

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Maybe it's just me, but games like this just flat out break my brain. In a good way, though. Messing with multiple timelines of the same events in order to change the outcome can get pretty messy to keep track of, and that's really the heart of the puzzles in Causality. There are 60 levels to complete along with 13 achievements to? uh, achieve and if you enjoy wrapping your brain around complex puzzles like this I think Causality should be on your radar. The folks in our forums have been enjoying this one so far, so if you pick it up be sure to drop in and share your thoughts as well.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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