TouchArcade Presents the Best Mobile Games of 2020

Here it is, folks. We finally get to say goodbye to the year that was 2020! This has obviously been an unprecedented year for most of us due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but if you were to try and pull some sort of silver lining out of everything you could say that being forced to spend so much time at home this year has also given many people more time to spend playing video games. And despite being a pandemic-stricken year, 2020 has had an unbelievable amount of great game releases on mobile. It seems like every year when we do this post we’re saying “Wow! I can’t believe how many great games released this year!" and 2020 has been no different.
Before we get into that though, I need to talk about the health and status of TouchArcade. As many long-time readers are aware of already, our financial situation hasn’t been the greatest for the past several years. A lot of factors have contributed to this, such as traditional online advertising tanking and Apple killing their affiliate program a few years back, but the bottom line is that a straightforward blog-style gaming website like ours just isn’t really in fashion anymore. There just aren’t all that many people anymore who are looking to read news and reviews about mobile games, and instead look to YouTubers, social media, or will just download and try out a game for themselves seeing as how most everything is free to play nowadays. However, there definitely are people who appreciate a ...
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