'Train Conductor World' Latest Update Adds a Crash Test Mode - Videogames Blogs

'Train Conductor World' Latest Update Adds a Crash Test Mode

Did you like smashing things together when you were a child" My guess is probably yes. The latest Train Conductor World [Free] update will tap into that nostalgia by letting you go ahead and crash trains to your heart's content. Normally, in Train Conductor World you're trying to keep your trains from smashing into each other as any responsible adult would do. The latest update, called Crash Test Mode, does away with the burden of responsibility that comes with being an adult and lets you go ahead and have different types crash test trains smash into each other while you gleefully watch (all the while trying to perfect your evil madman laugh). The Crash Test Mode has been enabled for every location in the game, so here's your chance to see what happens when you intentionally smash huge machines together.
We really liked the game when it came out originally, and since then the developers have continued to add more of everything to it. So, if you haven't been back to it in a long time or haven't checked it out at all, this new update might be a good reason to do so. After all, smashing things together is fun for all ages and is super villain approved, too.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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