TT Games Opens up TT Games Brighton in the UK to Create LEGO Games for Mobile Platforms - Videogames Blogs

TT Games Opens up TT Games Brighton in the UK to Create LEGO Games for Mobile Platforms

While Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment publishes LEGO games across a variety of platforms, the games themselves are made by TT Games. TT Games has been releasing multiple LEGO games each year across a variety of platforms more recently including the Nintendo Switch. In past years, the mobile and handheld games were similar in many aspects. Now TT Games focusses on the Switch as a handheld with the full console experience brought to it while their games have stopped releasing on the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita.
It seems like they are getting serious about mobile platforms now with a big opening. TT Games Brighton is a new studio in the UK that has been opened specifically for LEGO games on mobile platforms. That?s a big committment to not just LEGO games but to mobile as a platform. Jason Avent who was the founder and former head of Boss Alien is the head of Studio at TT Games Brighton. TT Games? Managing Director Tom Stone believes that there?s a huge opportunity for LEGO games on mobile platforms. Playdemic was acquired by TT Games about 2 years ago and they are working on a new LEGO game for mobile. Jason Avent discusses how the new LEGO games for mobile will be accessible but still retain the TT Games charm through newer games. These will be built from the ground up for mobile platforms and not ported.
The best case scenario here is mobile platforms get unique LEGO experiences and the big movie tie ins the same day as other platforms. Given how successful...
Source: Touch Arcade

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