Ubisoft’s ‘Might & Magic Elemental Guardians’ Hits the App Store - Videogames Blogs

Ubisoft’s ‘Might & Magic Elemental Guardians’ Hits the App Store

Following its pre-registration back in March, and its lengthy soft-launch that kicked off over a year ago, Ubisoft has finally officially launched Might & Magic Elemental Guardians (Free) on iOS and Android. Taking the classic RPG series Might & Magic and rejiggering it into a modern mobile game, Might & Magic Elemental Guardians is a free to play battler that has you collecting and upgrading a team of heroes and taking on the world in 5v5 online battles. It’s kind of like if you took the monstrously successful Summoners War (Free) and put it in the world of Might & Magic. You can see it all in action in the following launch trailer.

Whether Might & Magic Elemental Guardians can rise to the same level of success as the aforementioned Summoners War remains to be seen. It’s always a dicey proposition leveraging an established and beloved IP into a free to play mobile game, as many fans who have enjoyed Might & Magic games over the years might see this mobile release and get totally excited only to be let down that it’s not quite like their favorite games on desktop. On the other hand, having a strong brand like Might & Magic brings an established world and characters into a whole new market of mobile gamers that maybe never played the other games anyway, and might be interested in checking them out after experiencing Might & Magic Elemental Guardians. Basically the mobile market can be summed up thusly: ¯_(?)_/...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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