Unique Underwater Shoot ’em Up ‘Earth Atlantis’ is Heading to iOS on July 11th, Pre-Order Up Now - Videogames Blogs

Unique Underwater Shoot ’em Up ‘Earth Atlantis’ is Heading to iOS on July 11th, Pre-Order Up Now

Following a well-received launch on Nintendo Switch last October, and its launch on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 at the beginning of this month, developer Pixel Perfex is now bringing their unique underwater shoot’em up Earth Atlantis to the iOS platform next month. Following the “Great Climate Shift" at the end of the 21st century, 96% of the Earth is now underwater, and things are bad. To top it off, machines have also become hybrid with living creatures, and so this post-apocalyptic underwater nightmare also features some extremely scary robotic monsters who have taken on the form of various marine life. So things are REALLY bad. Luckily, you have a sweet submarine of death equipped with an array of weaponry in order to hunt down and kill these vile sea freaks. Check out the Earth Atlantis trailer.
As you can see, Earth Atlantis has a really unique art style that utilizes a monochromatic color palette and a really cool “Old Sketching" visual style. In fact, even before Earth Atlantis first released on the Switch last fall, it had earned recognition for its awesome art style. Something else it earned recognition for when it did finally release was for being hard as nails. Some post-release patches have toned down the difficulty though, so I imagine the iOS version should be a little more even in the difficulty department. Earth Atlantis will set you back just $4.99 when it comes to iOS on July 11th, and if you’re into the whole pre-o...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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