Upcoming 'Level With Me' Is a Clever Balancing Act - Videogames Blogs

Upcoming 'Level With Me' Is a Clever Balancing Act

Level With Me is an upcoming arcade game that, in addition to having a pretty clever title, is all about balancing loads of objects in a variety of situations. As you can see from the trailer, you shoot bubbles from the water below the bar as you try to perform various acts ranging from the simple - keeping a ball balanced for x amount of seconds - to the more complex - moving the bar in such a way as to pop two balloons. There's even a level where you have to make a burger, which sounds quite fun.
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It's a pretty neat idea and looks well executed, too. Level With Me is probably coming to iOS October 19th and Android a bit later than that, and the developer is looking for testers in our forums. The game will be F2P with ads that can be removed with IAP.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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