'Vandals' Review - It's Like 'Lara Croft Go' with Graffiti - Videogames Blogs

'Vandals' Review - It's Like 'Lara Croft Go' with Graffiti

Do you like the Square Enix Go series of games, but feel like they needed more crime" Congratulations, Vandals [$3.99] is the game for you. This turn-based puzzler unapologetically resembles the series that started with Hitman Go [$4.99] and applies a graffiti and street art theme to the game. It's really derivative, but the graffiti aspect is fun, and the game provides a history of street art to boot! However, depending on your feelings about the Square Enix Go games, this might not be worth picking up.

This is a turn-based puzzler where you move one between connected nodes on the grid-like levels, using stealth to avoid detection from the police. You move, and then the police make their move, but if you walk into their line of sight, or into a fail state position where you are one tile from them, this will happen even before the police make their move, even if their behavior indicates they will turn a certain direction, for example. Your goal in each level is to make it to the designated graffiti spot, spray paint your message of truth (or a giant cartoon dong), and then bust it to the exit, without getting nabbed by the coppers. Where Vandals differs from the other Go games is that sound generation plays a big role in deterring your pursuers. You can whistle to draw nearby guards, though you better have a plan to book it out of there before they see you and try to capture you. The guards aren't very smart for most of the game, thankfully, so you can just get out ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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