Watch 'Fortnite' Cross-Platform in Action with Twitch Streamer Ninja and Rapper Drake - Videogames Blogs

Watch 'Fortnite' Cross-Platform in Action with Twitch Streamer Ninja and Rapper Drake

Two unlikely forces are meeting tonight in Fortnite, and showing just how cool cross-platform play in the game is: Ninja is playing with Drake in Fortnite, in the most popular Twitch stream ever. Late Wednesday night, The stream passed 551,000 viewers, one of the highest concurrent viewerships on Twitch ever. They've gotten a Victory Royale with Ninja carrying the win after Drake died earlier in the match.

Ninja is one of the hottest Twitch streamers in the world, largely based off of him playing Fortnite at a ridiculously high level of play. If you run into him in a match, you're probably dead. His fort building is ridiculous. Drake, of course, is one of the most popular rappers in the world. Why is Drake playing with Ninja, besides being a massive frontrunner" Well, Ninja got so popular that Drake started following him on Instagram, Ninja invited Drake to play with him, and after some technical difficulties, they got to playing. And together, they made for one of the most popular Twitch streams ever. Watch live video from Ninja on
What's particularly cool about this stream is that they're showing off one of Fortnite's coolest features, especially when the game comes to mobile: cross-platform multiplayer. Drake is on his PS4, while Ninja's on PC. Granted, Drake might be at a minor disadvantage due to using a controller theoretically (though Fortnite supports mouse and keyboard officially on PS4), but Ninja can certainly carry Drake if necessary.

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Source: Touch Arcade

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