'Wayout', the New Puzzler from Dropout Games, Launching January 25th - Videogames Blogs

'Wayout', the New Puzzler from Dropout Games, Launching January 25th

For the past few years Dropout Games have been bringing us very aesthetically pleasing and engaging puzzle games on our mobile devices. It started with Unwynd [Free] in June of 2015; followed by the gorgeous Blyss [$2.99] in 2016, which we really enjoyed when we saw it during GDC that year; and then Neo Angle in August of last year, a game Rob really enjoyed in his review. Then this past September Dropout announced their newest puzzler called Wayout on our forums, while putting a call out for some beta testers. Wayout is inspired by those "lights out" puzzlers where you're trying to get all of the tiles on a board to be the same color, and they've taken that mechanic and explored it across more than 60 levels, as you can see in the following trailer.
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I really love the hand-drawn art style in Wayout, and the way they expand upon the lights out mechanic in a number of interesting ways. Well if you've had Wayout on your radar since we posted about it last year, you'll be happy to know that the game is finished up and on its way to the App Store in just over a week's time on January 25th. Interestingly this is the first game from Dropout that was a co-development as they've partnered with a studio called Konstructors to create the game and Dropout will be publishing it on the App Store. It'll clock in at $1.99 when it hits so keep an eye out for Wayout when it releases later this month.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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