Welcome to the New TouchArcade! - Videogames Blogs

Welcome to the New TouchArcade!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the new and improved TouchArcade. Thanks to the backing of our Patreon backers we?ve had the resources to slowly work on completely rebuilding the site and forums from the ground up to bring us up to speed with all sorts of modern web technologies. Along with being under SSL, the whole site and forums are now responsive, meaning everything is intelligently build to lay itself out in an ideal manner regardless of what screen size you?re viewing the site on. You can play with this by resizing your browser window if you?re reading this on your desktop, or just load up the site on whatever mobile device you typically use to see how it automagically changes.
Up on the top of the site we?ve got a new feature block which we hope will help when it comes to driving traffic and generating interest to some of our long-form content which typically doesn?t perform as well as quick news stories, and under that is the familiar hot games and new games listings which were so popular on our old site. Keep scrolling and you?ll find stories like this one, along with all the other normal things we post on a daily basis. Along with the front page redesign, we?ve also migrated away from our ancient version of vBulletin to a shiny new install of Xenforo, which much like the front page is totally responsive and works great across all screen sizes. We?ve spent the weekend migrating data to the new site, so everything should be there and all existing logins should seaml...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Grim Sky - Clash | Trailer | Ubisoft [NA]
