Winding the Clocks Back to 'Pocket God' - The TouchArcade Show #294 - Videogames Blogs

Winding the Clocks Back to 'Pocket God' - The TouchArcade Show #294

Unfortunately, the fears I mentioned in last week's podcast episode came true and I'm currently stuck using the world's worst hotel WiFi (which really describes basically all hotel WiFi). I wasn't even able to place a simple Skype call yesterday, so there's not a whole lot of point in trying to record an hour long podcast today... But, thankfully, we've got tons of back catalog stuff to pull out which I'd bet not many people have heard before. (And if you have, you're a serious hardcore fan of TouchArcade and we really appreciate you sticking around for so long.
Anyway, this week's episode is actually from the third episode of our podcast in 2009 where we had the developers of Pocket God [$0.99] on the show. Pocket God was somewhat of a TouchArcade community sensation, with a following that was sort of incredible at the time. What also makes this episode fascinating to listen to is it was recorded right when there were initial rumblings of free to play and in-app purchases potentially coming to the App Store. Listening to this episode, we don't even really know what to call this style of game and continually refer to in-game purchases as "DLC" as that was the only reasonable comparison at the time.
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We'll get back to our regular podcasts next week, and with GDC and all sorts of other stuff coming up I'm hoping to work towards having a few non-time sensitive episodes we can have in queue so we can have normal, new,...
Source: Touch Arcade

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