'Witcheye' Is a Great-Looking Retro Game I Can't Wait to Play - Videogames Blogs

'Witcheye' Is a Great-Looking Retro Game I Can't Wait to Play

If you like retro platformers, do I have a game for you today. Witcheye, from the co-creator of the NES game The Great Gatsby, is an upcoming game that looks like a fantastic ode to classic NES games. You play as a witch who transforms into a flying eyeball to get back her stolen ingredients. And the way you play is you swipe to move the ball around and touch to stop, which is a very clever idea. And when you want to take out enemies, you bounce off of them like in Breakout. You can see the idea in action on our Upcoming Games forum thread; it looks like it's going to be great fun to play, and the art style is fantastic.
The game will come with over 50 levels, and each apparently has something unique. As the developer points out in our forums, he was inspired by the overstuffed feel of Super Mario Bros 3. He's hoping to get the game out in mid-2018, and I seriously can't wait for this one. Head over to our forum thread for more on the game as well as here to check out the in-depth developer's blog.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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