'World of Demons' is a Platinum Games Action Title, Published by DeNA for Mobile

Followers of our podcast likely noticed a lot of ultra-mysterious mentions surrounding a trip I was taking to Japan that I couldn't talk about beyond I was going to be away from the site for a while. The reason for all that was a trip to Platinum Games in Osaka where I was able to go hands on with Platinum Games' upcoming mobile action game, World of Demons, which is being published by DeNA. Platinum Games is ten years old now, and if you're not familiar with them, they're responsible for games such as Bayonetta, Nier: Automata, and more. The founding team previously worked on historic titles such as Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, and Okami, so the announcement that Platinum is working on a mobile game comes with loads of attached expectations.
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The mission that DeNA and Platinum had was simple: Create the best possible action game on a touch device. During their presentation in Japan and in subsequent interviews, they repeatedly reiterated that not at any point while playing World of Demons do they want people to feel like they aren't playing a Platinum action game- A lofty goal that I'm supremely curious how the hardcore gamers who typically follow Platinum titles are going to feel when it's finally in their hands.
In World of Demons you're in, well, a world of demons believe it or not. In this case, the monsters players will be facing are all based on Japanese Yokai. Learning about the history of the yokai and the surroun...
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