Brand vs. AI
Brands have penetrated our culture like never before. But will they keep their role in the face of the technological disruption about to sweep through the business landscape"
We argue that the brands that we use to simplify and navigate will die, while the brands that we choose to believe in and belong to can thrive even more. There has never been so much opportunity for brands to create new value, but only if they are carefully positioned.
Simplify, believe and belong
To look forward and make bold predictions about how brands will respond to the wave of disruptive technology, we need to look back and recognize the relationship we have developed with brands in our culture. What makes people tattoo brands on their bodies" Why did two adults attempt to name their child Nutella (stopped only by their government)" We have formed these deep bonds with brands because they have learned to represent things in a way that meets three basic human needs: to simplify the frenetic world around us; to believe in something bigger than what is in front of us; and to belong to a group beyond our family.
We need these things, and always have. And we have gone to many sources to get these needs fulfilled: to cultural icons, political movements, sports teams, faith groups, nations, battalions. Until recently, we didn?t turn to the commercial world.
But today?s brands have learned to respond directly to these needs, satisfying us in ways they never had before. They draw on people?...
Source: Inside Social Games
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