Brands: Your Online PR Crisis Is Your Fault (Report) - Videogames Blogs

Brands: Your Online PR Crisis Is Your Fault (Report)

Reviews, feedback forms and public complaints are all information that brands can use to manage their reputations online. Sometimes brands respond well, but when a complaint or social engagement campaign turns into a digital public-relations disaster, it?s usually the brand?s fault. According to online media marketing company VisiBrain, there are a few common mistakes brands make online that damage their reputations.
Criticism and offense are often the prevailing values in most brand crises; the cause, a breakdown in function and communication. Ultimately, it?s up to the communications and marketing departments to sort out the problems when they occur. The best way to manage your brand reputation is proactively, but there are a few best practices for brands to consider.
Pick the right person for the job. Reputation management is very important in an era where consumers demand that brands reflect their personal values. PR experience, deep knowledge of the brand and the ability to identify budding problems are all vital skills for monitoring staff, so hire or promote wisely.
Monitor with a plan and goals in mind. Not having a goal increases the likelihood of misusing the data you?ve collected. And if there is no crisis plan in place, when an issue does arise, the response from the company can easily come across as confused. Besides, when you have a goal and a plan, you know what to look out for and can measure your overall impact more efficiently.
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