Facebook Testing Snapchat Discover-Like Facebook Live Navigation Bar - Videogames Blogs

Facebook Testing Snapchat Discover-Like Facebook Live Navigation Bar

Facebook appears to be testing a Snapchat Discover-like navigation bar for Facebook Live videos.
Jenni Ryall of Mashable discovered the new navigation bar and shared the screenshot below, reporting that she was able to access the feature by clicking on a play button icon in Facebook?s flagship application, to the right of the News Feed button.

According to Ryall, the feature offers access to Facebook Live videos from publishers followed by users, as well as suggested videos. Users are also able to unfollow publications or turn off notifications by clicking on those publications from the navigation bar. Readers: Have any of you seen anything similar"
Screenshots courtesy of Jenni Ryall, Mashable.

URL: http://www.insidesocialgames.com

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