How Social Channels Teach Businesses the New Rules of Video - Videogames Blogs

How Social Channels Teach Businesses the New Rules of Video

When you ask anyone under the age of 25 where they interact with their friends and get their news, a common answer today will be Snapchat. When asked where they like to follow brands for inspiration, perhaps they?ll answer Instagram.
It?s social media platforms like these that make it easy for anyone to share their content, from an up- and-coming social media star to major publishers like ESPN, Cosmopolitan and BuzzFeed to brands like J. Crew and Coca-Cola.
As Mary Meeker?s 2016 Internet Trends Report showed, video usage continues to rise, with Generation Z communicating primarily via images (live, moving, and still) versus text
The change to consumer expectations driven by social helps businesses accept that it?s OK–in fact consumers actually prefer it–when brands create videos that are authentic and evoke emotion. This increased demand and the ability today to create inexpensive yet engaging videos gives companies the financial and creative freedom to break free of six-week production cycles and massive video budgets. Having this freedom means being able to generate more impactful videos and more often, which means more engagement with customers, employees, readers?you name it. As video consumption habits change, businesses will experiment more, get comfortable with making authentic videos and see how their videos are viewed more as a result. They will start to really succeed with video and further capitalize on quantity with quality (based on the wants o...

World of Tanks: SummerSlam
