How to Build an Authentic Brand With a Remarkable Voice - Videogames Blogs

How to Build an Authentic Brand With a Remarkable Voice

Businesses today have more ways than ever to connect with their customers. Traditional methods like radio and television are still effective, but now, they can reach out to potential customers in their own homes through channels including social media, email, video and SMS messaging.
And if you can do all these things, so can your competition. That makes standing out amid a sea of competition a little tough and stellar customer service a must.
Building a strong, distinct brand image–and a voice to go with it–is more important today than ever. At the same time, your brand is more vulnerable.
Finding the right tone
The difference between success and failure could well depend on how well you tailor your message to the right people. Almost every product has an identifiable primary target market, and those are the people you really need to focus on. Whether we realize it or not, we tend to place more trust in people who are similar to us in some way. This extends to how we engage with marketing and on social media–we’re more likely to feel positively about a company talking our own language, run by people like us.
Consider the characteristics of those most likely to buy your product–the way they speak, the things they like–and try to fit that into the way you communicate. Millennials, for example, might prefer a youthful, conversational style, while older generations may appreciate a more formal, informative tone.
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