Liftoff: Female App Users 34% More Likely to Purchase Than Males - Videogames Blogs

Liftoff: Female App Users 34% More Likely to Purchase Than Males

Mobile user acquisition company Liftoff released its annual Mobile App Engagement Index, which analyzed how gender affects the in-application purchase behavior of users in mobile shopping and gaming apps.
Liftoff analyzed more than 7.3 million app installs and nearly 65 million post-install events from January through June, and it found that women were nearly 34 percent more likely to make a purchase within a mobile app than males. Female users who made a purchase were also found to be 40 percent less expensive to acquire than male users who made a purchase.
In terms of shopping apps specifically, Liftoff found that the average cost to acquire a user (male or female) who then went on to complete a first purchase in a shopping app was $95.94. This is a decrease of 54.5 percent from the second quarter of 2015. In addition, Liftoff found that women were both more likely to install a shopping app and to make a purchase in a shopping app than males. Meanwhile, in terms of games, Liftoff found that it cost $65.90 to acquire a user (male or female) who made an in-app purchase in a mobile game. The report also showed that the cost to drive an in-app purchase in a mobile game decreased 24 percent from the first quarter to the second quarter of 2016.
Breaking in-game purchases down by gender, the report showed that 6.7 percent of female users who install a game make a purchase, compared with 5.9 percent of male users. In addition, the report showed that the cost to acquir...

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