Pinterest Adds Retargeting Options for Pins, Websites - Videogames Blogs

Pinterest Adds Retargeting Options for Pins, Websites

Pinterest Wednesday introduced several new ways for advertisers to retarget both users who interact with Pins and visitors to websites with the Pinterest tag.
Product manager Frank Fumarola detailed the new retargeting options in a blog post, saying that brands using Ads Manager can now retarget based on five specific actions users take on Pins?clicks, comments, saves, likes and closeups?as well as create audiences based on users? interest in specific Pins that lead them to brands? websites.

As for websites with the Pinterest tag, brands can retarget based on actions by site visitors such as browsing categories, adding items to their shopping carts or signing up for services. Fumarola added:
Now it?s also possible to create audiences from the data associated with actions people take on your site. If someone browsed a category on your site or made a purchase over a specific amount, it?s easier for you to show them the Promoted Pins they?ll find relevant. For example, you could identify people who?ve viewed the outdoor furniture on your website and show them a Pin displaying a dreamy backyard setting full of products they might find interesting. A simple way to get started is by using specific URLs from pages on your site?like your checkout or confirmation page?and then retargeting the people on Pinterest who?ve visited those pages in the past.

Fumarola also discussed the Pin retargeting updates:
By identifying people who?ve interacted with your campaigns in the past, y...

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