Retail Workers in Ohio, Delaware, Texas Hate Their Jobs (Infographic) - Videogames Blogs

Retail Workers in Ohio, Delaware, Texas Hate Their Jobs (Infographic)

Social media isn?t just important for the job search: It?s also an outlet when people want to talk about how much they love their jobs or vent their frustrations.
Hloom, a provider of free Microsoft Office templates, scraped Twitter for tweets containing one or more job-related keywords to find out how much people love or hate their jobs.
The good news is that most people tweet about loving their jobs. However, Ohio is the state where people are most likely to express job hate. When broken down by city, people in Houston and Los Angeles tweet most often about hating their jobs.

Interestingly, the Hloom study echos that of a midyear study by Monster and Brandwatch, which indicates that retail workers are the most unhappy with their jobs. Among the top 10 job-hating cities, the most common jobs were in the retail industry. Nevada ranked as the state where workers are most happy, as did Arizona and Ohio, which were both among the top five job-hating states. Likewise, Los Angeles was the No. 1 city where people expressed job love, followed by Manhattan and Houston.

Check out the full report to find out when people are most likely to tweet about their jobs and to see the rest of the data.
Image courtesy of Shutterstock.


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