Why Hashtags Matter for Today?s Brands
The hashtag frenzy continues with no sign of abatement, from the mom posting those adorable pictures of the kids, to the millennial sharing every second and aspect of his or her daily life, to the small or large business trying to connect with new or existing audiences.
Rarely is a photo, comment, opinion, quip, response, etc. posted on any of the major social platforms without the seemingly requisite hashtag followed shortly thereafter.
As the business world continues to try to understand and leverage this whole social media thing, hashtags present yet another potentially confounding dynamic. Even for those who have deployed hashtag strategies, it?s fair to ask the question: #DoHashtagsMatter" Is there any real value in attaching a hashtag to your posts" Do they deliver anything at all" How do you know if your hashtagging practices are actually reaching desired audiences and attracting more customers" Agencies responsible for developing and executing content marketing campaigns for their clients are consistently asked to weigh in with their strategic hashtag ideas and recommendations. They, too, are faced with addressing these complicated questions for which there are no obvious answers. When done properly and strategically and consistent with the organization?s tone and brand, a hashtag campaign can be effective for a number of reasons:
Building brand-name recognition: New brands can use their name in a hashtag to gain recognition and build equity. Bra...
Source: Inside Social Games
URL: http://www.insidesocialgames.com
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