Hanoi Stack by Sergii Nagin FREE - Videogames Blogs

Hanoi Stack by Sergii Nagin FREE

Hanoi Stack comes from Sergii Nagin. Th object is to flip rings and stacks of rings to eventually land on the pole is size order - largest on the bottom.I did the first 25 levels in about 15 minutes.  They start getting interesting around level 50, as more rings are added to the grid.

1. Multiple rings of the same size are frequent.
2. When a stack joins another ring, it will invert completely.  Look at the last image. The green ring on top - that whole stack will flip onto the light blue ring.  That will leave the red, largest ring, on top.  I have no idea how many levels there are.  I've done about 120.  The last 25 took about 20 minutes.


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