SNIKS by Shelly Alon $2.99 - Videogames Blogs

SNIKS by Shelly Alon $2.99

SNIKS comes from Shelly Alon. It's another snake game.  It's fantastic. 
 The object is to wriggle the snakes around until their body rests on the colored targets.
1. Wormholes. We've seen this many times before. Maybe the first time in a snake game.
2.Combining Colors: 2 snakes with different colors must overlap on the targets.
3. The Plus Sign increases your snake by 1 unit.
4. Snakes are sometimes monochrome, sometimes not.
5. Snakes usually travel 1 unit at a time. Unless you're near the end, and don't stop until they hit a wall.
There are 110 levels. I've solved about 85 levels.  Stuck on #57

Shelly: fantastic job.

Other Snake Puzzles: all winners.
Snaky Snake
Snakes Minimal Board Fill Puzzle
Eat A Way
Twisted Snake
Hyper Snake
Snake Slider


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