Squares: A Game about Matching Colors: by Simple Machine, LLC Free - Videogames Blogs

Squares: A Game about Matching Colors: by Simple Machine, LLC Free

  Squares: A Game about Matching Colors is a point scoring puzzle app.

Look at the second image.  At the top are 3 little squares: Yellow, Orange, Yellow. You must place them in the grid as a connected string so that there will be a group of 3 matching colors. They disappear and you score points.

The game ends when you cannot fit a new string.

Why this game is good
1. It starts out very easy with just 3 colors. 2. Gradually, more and more colors are added.
3. Combos: if you manage to get a cluster of 2 colors at the same time, you get more points. This leads to a bit of gambling. Should you take the easy points or go for combos"
4. The game takes no more than 15 minutes to play.

At the moment, my top score is 2100.


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