Sudoku Evolved by Max Q Software LLC $.99

Daniel Greenheck recently contacted me about his game Sudoku Evolved. It's a 3-D version. Each puzzle has 5 sudokus: front, back, right, left & top. Important: he edges are shared. Which means all the puzzles are connected.
I solved 1 level at 'medium'. I thought it was easy - but still took a while to solve.
The next day I solved 1 level at 'hard'. This took about 1 - 1.5 hours. I played this game on my small iphone (I have no idea which model it is.). Playing this game was very calming.
The graphics are very polished. A feature I particularly like: tap on, say 3, and all the 3's on that face get highlighted.
Note to Daniel: Good job. Thanks for the promo codes. Check out the variations below for fun and inspiration.
Other Sudoku Variations
Sixy Sudoku Small grids - perfect for beginners
Sandwich Sudoku Positively love this. Hard
Kropk'i Sudoku This is really a Latin Square with a couple of innovative ideas. It plays fast.
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