Burncustard's Automatic Egg Conversion Unit (AECU) (Broken since Minecraft 1.0) - Videogames Blogs

Burncustard's Automatic Egg Conversion Unit (AECU) (Broken since Minecraft 1.0)

Apparently killing baby chickens is inhumane, so this device no longer works :(
That being said, some elements of the design can still probably be used to help make other chicken farming machines.

Are you one of those people, who has eggs, to make chickens, to make eggs, to make chickens"

Yes"! Well then, I have something for you, to help control the amount of eggs you have!

No"! Well, you might want to become one of those people after seeing what I've made!

The contraption I have designed takes eggs, and in return gives you feathers and COOKED chicken meat (or edible SMEPU conversion byproduct as Hans Lemurson would say.) Please don't call the RSPCA.

Texture Pack usedSorry about the lack of commentary in the video, I might add it and/or do a "how to" at a later date.
Cooking Conversion
The idea of shooting eggs from a dispencer, into the block above a fire, came from AmazedStream and his video on the subject. Big thanks to him for realizing this. I tried many other ways of immolating chickens, but was unsuccessful creating anything vastly different and any better.

Why fire"
Thermal Conversion Fluid (i.e. lava), kills chickens nearly instantly, and destroys anything that is dropped. Even if you try to drop items through a very thin bit of lava and then into water, they are still destroyed. Fire on the other hand, has the ability to ignite chickens, without doing a huge amount of damage at once. Chickens also try to avoid fire when possi...
URL: http://burntcustardsminecraft.blogspot.com

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