Backstabby Board Gaming Pleasures In Dimly Lit Streets With Antihero - Videogames Blogs

Backstabby Board Gaming Pleasures In Dimly Lit Streets With Antihero

Board games are magical. All those bits and bobs to move around and tinker with, the pleasure of interacting with other people, all focusing on a specific set of rules ... this is pretty special and hard to translate into another medium. Thankfully, games like Antihero prove that it's not impossible.
There are quite a few board games adaptations out there, but pretty often, something gets lost when they make the jump to the big or small screen. Most digital ports of actual board games just don't feel right without physical components, without little plastic dudes you can move around the board.

Conversely, there are digital board games that wouldn't ever work in physical form because of their complexity and the amount of micromanagement required to keep things moving forward. The best of both worlds, a board game that would work flawlessly both on- and off-screen, that's pretty rare. Thankfully, there's Antihero.
Under cover of night, you control the Fate of a Victorian-era master thief, gaining coveted victory points by means of lies, deception, and other trickery. Our protagonist has several actions available each round. Explore the city streets, which are hidden beneath a thick fog, rob some houses or attack your opponents pawns. Through well-considered spending of various resources you can unlock further talents, such as more actions per round, more loot, or higher attack damage.

Of course you can also use your gold to recruit other units. Glowering ruffi...
Source: indie games

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