Bury Me, My Love - Conveying The Helplessness & Hope Of Watching An Immigrant's Journey - Videogames Blogs

Bury Me, My Love - Conveying The Helplessness & Hope Of Watching An Immigrant's Journey

"The vast majority of migrants have smartphones. For them, that's crucial. It's a way to get info on their journey, but more importantly, it's their only way to connect with their families and friends. So, we felt the best way to tell the story we wanted to tell efficiently was to mimic the device they use and the way they use it." says Florent Maurin, producer and designer at The Pixel Hunt, developers of Bury Me, My Love,.

Bury Me, My Love has players following the journey of their wife, Nour, as she works her way from Syria to Europe. However, players act as the husband, Majd, only able to know whatever parts of the journey Nour chooses to text back to him. Players can try to offer advice, support, and guidance to her via text, but otherwise, all they can do is hope and wait.
This play style was designed to mimic that sense of helplessness many immigrant families feel as their loved one leave for another country. It captures those long silences where you don't know where they are or if they're safe. The sense of never being sure if they're telling you everything. Of wondering if this message will be the last.

"Even through Bury Me, My Love is a fiction, we wanted it to feel real. Lots of migrants take huge risks to try to get a better life, and lots of relatives spend days waiting, not knowing how things are going to turn out. Yet, when we (as Europeans) hear about migrants on the news, they're often depicted as a faceless lump, some kind of horde tha...
Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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