Bustories Is About The Strangers You Meet While Travelling

Bustories explores the stories and people one often meets while travelling, whether they want to or not. Placing players on a bus ride stuck with an array of oddballs, irritating passengers, and charming people the player will never meet again, it captures that unique strangeness that comes with sharing a close-quarters existence with someone you'll probably never see again.
Each trip is different is Bustories, with a variety of possible strangers taking up the seat beside the player. Players can listen to these peoples' stories, or they can sit back with their tunes and their headset, all while keeping an eye on their body's needs while on a long drive. Food is always key on a long trip, and one of the joys of the ride (even if your guts might pay for your road food later).
Bustories is filled with several different stories that may seem all-too-familiar to those who've spent too much time travelling with gabby fellow travelers, bringing up fond memories of people gone forever or less-than-fond memories of some of the vile stories you've been told by people you're stuck with for hours.
Bustories is available for $2.99 on Itch.io and Steam. For more information on the game and developer Nikita P, you can follow them on Itch.io and YouTube.
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