Cooperatively Keep A Rickety Ship Flying Through Space In 39 Days to Mars - Videogames Blogs

Cooperatively Keep A Rickety Ship Flying Through Space In 39 Days to Mars

Sir Albert Wickes and The Right Honourable Clarence Baxter aim to pilot the HMS Fearful on its voyage to Mars. It's a noble endeavor for the intrepid explorers, but unfortunately, their ship is a most unreliable device, requiring two players to work together to keep the clunker in flight in 39 Days to Mars.
Problems will spring up each time players start making their way for the red planet in 39 Days to Mars. Many of the ship's functions require two players carrying out their own actions to pull it off, from fiddling with the ship's wiring to messing with levers to just pouring out a decent cup of tea. No matter what the player is up to on their lighthearted adventure, both players will have to execute some silly task, keeping them both hard at work throughout the journey.
Players won't just be messing with ship functions while desperately keeping their clunker ship in flight, as they'll also go through bits of story and action while taking in the game's cute art style. They also won't have to find a friend if no one wants to juggle wires in space with them, as players can play single player with the help of an AI cat. But how likely is it that a cat is going to know how to pour tea or rewire a starship" Hopefully it will, or else it may take far longer than thirty-nine days to reach that distant planet.

39 Days to Mars is available for $14.99 on Steam. For more information on the game and developer It's Anecdotal, you can head to the game's site or foll...
Source: indie games

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