Dark Lords & Tiny Wildlife Mean to Strike You Down In 'Lords Of Strife'

A dark lord has left your village in ruins. A plague of beasts roam the land, killing anyone in sight. Also, frogs, armadillos, and owls are killing people somehow too, creating a dangerous realm for a lowly, sword-swinging peasant in sidescrolling action game Lords of Strife.
You have to cross seven stages of devious jumps and shadowy monsters, leaping and attacking while keeping yourself from harm. Using your sword, you can attack most of the monsters you come across to keep them at bay, but the game isn't shy about throwing large groups of foes or huge swaths of spikes at you, so expect to die constantly. You aren't exactly a soldier, after all, so fighting ancient evil and jerk frogs is naturally a bit beyond your poor peasant.
Well, maybe not the frogs and owls and such. But they can be pretty mean. Just a heads up.
Lords of Strife is available for $3.99 on Steam. For more information on the game and developer Revolutionary Interactive, you can head to the game's site or follow them on YouTube and Twitter.
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